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Prof. Gilbert Greub
Institute of Microbiology of the University of Lausanne, SwitzerlandProfessor Greub is division chief for the microbial diagnostic unit, director of the Institute of Microbiology, professor at the Department of biology and medicine at the University of Lausanne, and leader of a research group focusing on intracellular bacteria.
Besides his strong interest in germs he is an avid board game player which gave him the idea to develop a game to increase public awareness towards novel microbes.

Prof. Greub was involved throughout the creation of the board game, from the development to the editing, production, and distribution of the game KROBS. His medical and scientific background were crucial to provide an accurate and realistic description of microbial transmission scenarios as well as describing the severity of the disease. In addition, Prof. Greub contributed the majority of the content of the website.
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DrSc. Carole Kebbi
Institute of Microbiology of the University of Lausanne, SwitzerlandCarole Kebbi is a biologist, specialized in intracellular bacteria with a teaching and research assignment. She played a major role in the development, editing and distribution of the game KROBS. She also contributed to the design of the website, as well as the scientific content.

Sébastien Pauchon
Gameworks, Vevey, SwitzerlandSébastien Pauchon is the developer and editor of over thirty games and leads Game Works, a company that does both game development and editing. Together with B. Cathala and M. Braff he created the « gameplay » of KROBS and edited the game. With his background in game development he provided insight in marketing, distribution and sale of KROBS
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Bruno Cathala
Haute-Savoie, FranceBruno Cathala is a well-known game creator with over a hundred games developed between 2002 and 2018. People even use the word « a Cathala » to describe a fun game with a well-balanced « gameplay » ! His contribution to the development of KROBS is a badge for the quality of the game.
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Malcolm Braff
Onnens, SwitzerlandMainly known for his work as a musician, especially in the jazz scene through his international career as a pianist for over 25 years, Malcolm Braff is also a game creator and co-founder of GameWorks with Sebastien Pauchon. It is the fourth game that he created in collaboration with B. Cathala and S. Pauchon.
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Vincent Dutrait
Seoul, South KoreaVincent Dutrait is a game illustrator of international renown, the best according to us ! We were very happy when he agreed to provide the illustrations for KROBS and our website. His pictures are just amazing, of great quality with a lot of wittiness.
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Ulrich Schädler
Swiss Museum of Games, La Tour-de-Peilz, SwitzerlandThanks to his passion for history and games and as Director of the Swiss Game Museum, Ulrich Schädler has a deep understanding of the mechanisms that make a good game. His suggestion during the development and editing of the game have significantly enriched KROBS.
In addition, Ulrich Schädler has played an important role in the distribution of the game KROBS by organizing microbial-themed events at the Swiss Game Museum and presenting KROBS.

DrSc. Brigida Rusconi
Washington University School of Medicine, St Louis, USABrigida Rusconi is a microbiologist interested in host pathogen interactions with a focus on early life intestinal environment development. She is currently working as a postdoctoral assistant at Washington University School of Medicine in St Louis on necrotizing enterocolitis at a translational and animal model level. She contributed to the English translation of KROBS website.
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Naomi Wieser
Institute of Microbiology of the University of LausanneNaomi Wieser is a biology student who has obtained her bachelor from Bard College, USA and is currently working on her Master in the laboratory of Prof. Greub. She has a particular interest for microbes and their interactions with our health. She is currently working on recently discovered giant viruses. She contributed to the English translation of KROBS website.
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