Test your knowledge - Krobs

One of the objectives of the game KROBS is to increase the public’s understanding of germs. Especially how they are transmitted to humans and what kind of diseases they cause and which preventive measures we can take to avoid them.

Through this game you will for example learn which germs are really dangerous and which are simply harmless. You will also learn which behaviors you should avoid and others that are risk-free.

If you are interested you can fill out an online survey (see link below), which will take about 20 minutes to test your general knowledge on microbes presented in this game and the website. In the survey we will ask if you already played KROBS and if yes how many times, as well as if you used the content on the website. Since some questions are related directly to the game while others are not we will be able to assess the educational impact of the game as a preventive tool.

If the educational and prevention goals are met we might be able to obtain additional funding to develop a second phase of the game KROBS or other games related to germs.

Thanks a lot for your participation !


Link to the survey: https://wwwfbm.unil.ch/sondage/index.php/473787/lang-en